An Ice Beach Forms Every Winter in Hokkaido

Frozen blocks form on the beachfront in Toyokoro, creating a phenomenon known as ‘jewellery ice’ due to its sparkling appearance.


WordsSolenn Cordroc'h

© Toyokoro Town

On the island of Hokkaido, the mouth of the Tokachi River freezes each winter, causing blocks of ice to form and wash up on the beach in the city of Toyokoro. This natural phenomenon, nicknamed ‘jewellery ice’, is unique to Japan and is a highlight for photographers and visitors who come to Hokkaido between mid-January and mid-February to admire these icy gems as they sparkle before melting into the sand.

The experience is all the more magical when the ice captures and reflects the light. The blocks appear dark blue when it’s dark, red at dawn, and then gradually turn white as the sun rises. For those willing to brave the cold, it makes an enduring memory.


More information can be found on the website for the city of Toyokoro.

© Toyokoro Town

© Toyokoro Town

© Toyokoro Town

© Toyokoro Town

© Toyokoro Town